

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Misfit Monday : One Day Late

This is the second Misfit Monday post. In case you forgot.. Misfit Monday is a post where I show some of the photos I have taken during the week that don't really fit into any of my other posts. I enjoy taking a lot of pictures and this gives me a chance to show you guys some of my pictures and a chance for me to see if I get any better or worse. 

Here is the first Misfit Monday post in case you missed it and want to check it out.

This weeks theme is feet ! 

xo ldc


  1. Aw cutes feet!
    And p.s. you have an award at my blog! :)

  2. Here's the link:



  3. what a clever title for a blog series!

    i LOVE the 2nd photo. :)

  4. I saw your green keds on flickr - I love them :)
    I haven't worn keds since I was a kid - are they comfortable? Even if they aren't - they sure are cute!


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