

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Free Feathers for Photoshop

Hello Everyone! I drew these feathers the other day and thought you all might like them as a free download! I used them along the side of my picture below. They are all separate so you can move them around as you please :) I also made them with less opacity but you can change that too when you download them. If you do use them I ask that you give me a tad bit of credit and show me what you have done! I love to see what you guys come up with! So click the download button below if you would like to use them! xo ldc


  1. okay these are FANTASTIC. love them, thanks so much. you are just so talented!


  2. they are great! thanks for sharing!
    xo dana

  3. These are adorable!... now if I only I had photoshop! :)

    Also... I won your giveaway over at The Littlest Polly!!!!! WOO HOO!

  4. Thank you! That is so generous!!!

  5. I love how you edit it; I really want to know how to use photoshop but until now, I can't do it.


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