

Sunday, January 23, 2011

DIY Knitted Headphones

This is a DIY guest post I did for Katie over at Punk Projects to include in her blog party.  You should check out some of the other guest post DIY's as well as some of her awesome tutorials!

Hello Everyone! I am Lindsay from LDC designs. Katie asked me to do a guest post to accompany her Blog Party and I am super excited to be included! This DIY is super easy but takes forever (to be honest, hehe). It is really cute when you are all finished though. So lets get started!

I hope you guys enjoy this and try it out! If you do send me a link to a picture, I would love to see it!
I have many more DIYs on my blog if you would like to check them out! Also you can find me on facebook and twitter.
have a lovely day !
xo ldc


  1. hahaha this is so neat!!! I'd never thought of this before! Great job :) :)

  2. Cant wait to try this

  3. L, you are one of the most giving bloggers I read. You always share awesome info...and I can't tell you how many of your d.i.y.s I've done.
    In short, you're awesome.
    Btw, your header is legit.

  4. Adorable, but what do you do when the headphones split? Did you not cover that part, or just add another piece of yarn?

  5. Oohh what a great tutorial, thanks for sharing! I'd assume this would work as great protection for the headphones too :D BTW I'm your newest follower :D


    The Creative Muslimah @ www.thecreativemuslimah.blogspot.com

  6. Jen, just tie the string and do the same thing to the split pieces. Send me an email if you need more help!

  7. Really cute. I may have to try this with my headphones for my Ipod.

  8. I finally got around to finishing this project! I'll be posting my final product later this week. [:

    Thanks for the great DIY!

  9. I think this would be so much fun to try with embroidery floss. I have a TON of it lying around.
    Can't wait to try this.
    = )


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