

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Recycling Crayons

We decided to take all of the old crayons and melt them into new ones. 
This is Chloe taking all of the "skin" off the crayons. I looked it up online and it said to turn the oven on to 300 F and wait for the wax to melt. Then you just take them out and let them cool. Pretty easy. They turned out kind of funky looking because of the aluminum foil. I want to try and find some cool molds to use for next time.

These are all of the crayons broken up into to muffin tin.

We had to take all of the paper off first.

This is what they looked like after we took them out of the oven. Some of the crayons were too big and didn't melt, and I was too impatient to wait for them.

 They were pretty funky looking on the bottom because of the aluminum foil.

This one is Chloe's favorite. 

It was a fun little project for her birthday. Now we are going to play
Yahtzee !

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