Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Three Years with Joshua xo

Today Joshua and I have been together for three years! I thought I would share this photo from when we first started dating. He was 17 and I was 16, although we are only a few months apart. This may have actually been taken at my Birthday Party (maybe?).

This is us a little while later, right before graduation (2009). This was one of my grad photos :)

We also went to prom together. This my fave prom photo of us.
Then we both decided we should go to Acadia University in Nova Scotia. So we ended up here together. That's us in first year. That is my first residence behind us.
 Then we went to Florida together with my fam!
And did some snowmobiling this winter with my dad and step mom...
 And now we are back at Acadia finishing up our second year!
Its been a great three years :) xoxo


  1. ohhhh stop being soooo darn cute already!!! seriously.

    Love you both so much!

  2. conrgrats! you guys are too cute :)

  3. you guys are so freakin' adorable.
    so happy for you both :)

  4. Awww happy anniversary! My three-year with my man comes up this summer! Yay love <3
