Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tie Dye Love

Tie Dye Button Up Blouse

Isn't this shirt great? I think this is a great way to upsycle old shirts that you wouldn't wear! Very environmentally friendly! I just thought I would share this with you cause I think it is very cute! I also think it inspires some crafty stuff for summer! I can't wait for summer crafts! (I am so excited cause I just finished an exam and now I am going home for a week! Then coming back for my last exam. So exciting!) Anyways! Hope you have a lovely Wednesday! I will be back with a What I Want Wednesday post!
xo ldc


  1. oh my! this is fabulous! i totally want to do this now!

  2. totally awesome! i love tie dye too!
    btw loving again your blog layout change!!! :D
