Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Photoshoot

 Last weekend Simone and I went downtown on the water front to take some photos because it was so nice out! We took a few props with us, like a record and a couple of vintage cameras. So all of the photos of Simone I took and all of the photos of me she took. It was really fun! Here are a few that I have edited.

Do you have any cool photo editing tips you would like to share? Maybe a link to a website with some cool ideas? Let me know!

I am going to be pretty busy until Wednesday because I have an exam that day, then Thursday I am going home for a week! I have to come back to school for the 26th to do my French exam and then I am done my second year of University! Wooot! I have some blogging ideas lined up for this summer. I am excited to have some extra time to do some new things! I will also be restarting my sponsoring probably for the month of June! I can't wait for summer!!!
Have a lovely week!
xo ldc


  1. Ah, I love these! Photos involving train tracks are always fantastic (in my opinion!)

  2. These are lovely! Seriously you are a great photographer.
