Sunday, January 22, 2012

Using Instagram Photos for Facebook Timeline

 Hello! So with the new facebook timeline comes lots of new great ideas for your cover photo. I decided that I would use my instagram photos to make a new look! It is pretty easy for those of you who want to try it. The hardest part is getting the spacing right.

If you want to try this the dimensions are: 850px by 315px

The top image is the one I tried first, however I forgot that your actual display picture would cover over the image. So I made a second one (below) with a spot for my display pic to fit in.

My facebook ended up looking like this..
 I am pretty happy with it! Have you done anything different with the new facbook Timeline? Let me know if you try this technique! xo ldc

1 comment:

  1. Super cute idea!
    I haven't switched over to timeline- I'm not a fan of change.
