Friday, January 20, 2012

Feeling Better Already

For those of you who follow my blog, you may have noticed that I change the look of it quite a bit. You may have also noticed that I just changed it again.

I sometimes find that I loose inspiration with my blogging and that giving it a new look sparks my interest a little bit. It is a lot like rearranging my room (something else I like doing).  So with the new year, comes new ideas, new blog posts and new design. I have a few ideas lined up for the upcoming months and I am also thinking of starting a inspirational blog book, as many bloggers have.

How are you feeling about your blog in the new year?


  1. I changed mine up a bit the other day, but I think I kept the general look the same. Mostly just a new banner and buttons.
    I'm really liking your new look! The colors are fantastic, and I really like the sidebars.
