Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Photos With Good Friends

 Hello! So this week (in between studying for exams) we did a 30 minute photoshoot with some of our good friends. All of us have known each other since 1st year (now in 3rd). 

In the back and white photo below there is Josh (my boyfriend), Hillary (my first Acadia friend, actually friends since before Acadia.. we met over Skype haha), Me, Kaila (my roommate and bff), Erin (Friends since first year) and Andrew (we met the first day at Acadia). 

It's nice to have friends from your first week of school because there are so many great things that happened that we can talk about all over again :) Of course there are more of us that could be in this photo... but they were busy being good students and actually studying. 

My good friend Megan took these for us :)

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. I have six best friends I have known since my very first day at college. I've also known my boyfriend since that day. We used to love taking gazillion of pictures together back then and we posted them on Facebook. Now we barely have the time to take pictures like we used to do (with all the quizzes and assignments? No way! Haha)
