Thursday, December 22, 2011

Owls & Owlets

 Hello! My little Sis and I made these owls using toilet paper rolls. I got the idea from this photo on Pinterest. Little Sis did four and I did four :) All we did was 1) paint the toilet paper rolls and wait for them to dry. 2) fold the tops down to make the ears. 3) Draw the faces on with permanent marker. Super easy and super cute :)

Here is a picture of little Sis and the owls :) Ps. today is her eighth birthday!


  1. Those are so adorable! I love owls, and what a great recycling idea. :)

  2. Aw, they are adorable - what a cute idea! xxx

  3. I need to make a string of those. Good thing I go through tp like nobody's business

  4. hehe! so cute <3 How are you dear?

    love, polly
