Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This Months Sponsors & Sponsor Swap Details

Hello Everyone! Take a look at some of my lovely sponsors from November! If you are interested in having a FREE sponsor spot on LDC designs, please scroll to the bottom of the page for details :) Also, don't forget to check out my other lovely sponsors on the right!

Blog, Twitter, Facebook

Blog, Etsy, Twitter

Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin'


Hello! I'm Alyssa, the girl behind my blog, Live. Love. Craft. I share my craft tutorials, photography, and sometimes I simply blog about life!

I'm just a teenage girl living my life for the Lord, crafting my heart out,
photographing the wonderful little things in life, and dreaming big. :)
I enjoy traveling, doing art, interior design, cooking and baking,
making stuff , fixing up thrift store junk, playing with my little
brother, spending time with family and friends, and helping the
homeless. I think everyone should spend some of their time each month
volunteering at a charity. :) On my blog I share some of my craft tutorials...
be sure to stop by and say HI! :)

I am now opening up for December Sponsor spots! As usual my spots are free. All you have to do is swap a button with me! So if I put your button up on my blog, you have to put my button up on your blog! Easy Peasy! Let me know if you are interested!


  1. I'm definitely interested in swapping buttons with you! Would you mind posting an email address so that I can get in touch with you? The email tab isn't working for me...


  2. Thanks so much, this is lovely!!! xxx

  3. Are you still looking for Dec sponsors? I'm working on a button and I'd love to do a swap with you! :)

