Saturday, November 19, 2011

Photo Tip Friday

Hello! I am really trying to get back into the swing of things with my series posts. It's been a little while since I've done my photo tip friday posts, so I thought I would do one because I've found a lot of awesome links lately!

Today I am sharing with you a link for 101 Portrait Tips that I found via Pinterest.

Here are a few of my faves from the article:

#5 NEVER use the on-camera flash 
#16 When shooting in poor mid-day lighting, have the subject face away from the sun
#20 Models relax immediately when a prop is introduced
#27 Quit being a pansy
#76 Choose your poses before the shoot

 These are just a few of my faves! I seriously recommend you take a look at the whole list, and if there is a term or something that you don't understand then GOOGLE IT! Seriously it helps. When I am going to take a specific kind of photos like fireworks, concerts etc, I always Google tips first. Just a little extra tip for your Friday! xo ldc 

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