Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So Many Choices...

So I have wanted an iPhone for about 50 million years now (yup, betcha didn't know I was that old). So now that I will be ordering myself one this Friday (hopefully.. thanks mom). So I am preparing for he arrival of my new iPhone because frankly I have nothing better to do (besides clean my room, according to mom). So I put on twitter this morning that I needed a new iPhone case (yup, you think I'm crazy because I'm looking for the case before I have the phone... so what? lol) Anyways... the lovely @CassieQuinlan on twitter sent me the link to Uncommon. This site has so much awesome artwork that you can place on an iPhone case however you want! So I went a little nuts and this is what I ended up with (see above). So now I am asking you, which one do you like most? xo ldc


  1. i love the little owls! they're too cute!!

    allister bee blog

  2. Oh yay-these are great! Hmmm-the owls are cute, but I really love the colors in the Flowers on the top row and the sorta floral one on the far left of the second row. Oh, and I like the funky one second from the right, bottom row. Aye! How will you decide! The cameras are neat-o too! haha, donno if any of that helped but I'm glad you liked the site! <3, Christy (aka, CassieQuinlan) ;-p

  3. my favorite is definitely "crochet whats up?" these are seriously getting me jealous. i want an iphone SO bad. haha :) [& now that they're with verizon, i might in the near future!]

  4. lol I don't have an iPhone just yet but I've browsed around Etsy for cases too. No shame! My favorites of the bunch are the first two on the bottom row (from left to right).
