Friday, July 8, 2011

Photo Tip Friday // Fun Photo Effect

Hello Everyone! I thought I might share with you this fun photo effect! As I mentioned before, I bought a fish eye lens off amazon for about 20 dollars. It was seriously worth it! I have so much fun playing with it! But I thought I would show you one of the cool effects I came up with for using it.
What I did was take my lens and hold it out from the camera instead of actually attached to the camera. This made some parts look out of focus and others in focus. It was super fun to try out different angles.
I think that next time I will try painting my nails all cool and then doing it! Let me know if you try something like this out! xo ldc


  1. That's a really neat idea!!
    I wish I had a camera that used differents lens, but all I have is a point & shoot. :(


  2. I'm like Katie, I have a point and shoot, but I love your creativity when you use the lens!

  3. love the idea! i've been trying out a lot of different things with my camera.

  4. Oh man, I need a dslr so badly!!!

  5. OMMG! So i ordered this lens & I loveeeeee it! Thanks so much! I wanted to save up & get a real lens but this is just amazing

