Saturday, June 11, 2011

Quilting // Amy Butler

Hello! I just wanted to show you all the progress on the new quilt I am making. I started yesterday and have been working on it for a while today. I got the pattern from Color Your Cloth and I am using Amy Butler fabric.  I am excited about finishing it! Here are a few picks of what I have so far.
 I think it is going to be quite colorful! Have you made a quilt before? Any tips :) xo ldc


  1. Hey lyn.... quilt is going to be fantastic. Two words of advise.......walking foot and "warm and natural" for batting. Have fun !!!!!!! Deb

  2. Hey lyn.... quilt is going to be fantastic. Two words of advise.......walking foot and "warm and natural" for batting. Have fun !!!!!!! Deb

  3. I used to quilt until I found glass. I loved it! It looks like you are making a beautiful quilt!

  4. Looking great Lindsay!! My advice would be - make sure you cut straight and everything will be okay :) (i also never ever use a walking foot and i quilt A LOT so don't stress too much if you don't have one!)
