Wednesday, June 15, 2011

DIY Leather&Lace Bracelet

 Hey everyone! I did this DIY for the Miss Yellow Shoes blog a little while back and I thought I would share it with you also. It is a super easy diy and it makes a really cute bracelet! All it takes is some leather & lace. Super simple! You can actually buy all that you need at wall-mart! 
So lets get started!

First you will need to cut out a piece of lace about a half an inch shorter then your wrist. Then but out two pieces of leather twice the length of your wrist. 
Now take one piece of leather and start weaving it through the edge of the lace.
Once you have done that, start doing it to the other side with the other piece of leather.
now tie a knot in both ends of the leather. Make sure you tie them around the size of your wrist, but just a tad bit larger!
Now to tie it on your wrist you will put one knot through the loop before the other knot. Like this...
Once you have it tied so that it fits well, cut off the extra leather after both knots.
And there you have it! A cute leather and lace bracelet in less than ten minutes! Try adding beads to the leather for a different look!

Don't forget to check out the blog Miss Yellow Shoes!
xo ldc


  1. Lovely idea!And it seems easy..:-)

  2. What a good idea! Its the perfect mix of edgy and girly.

  3. very cool! love DIY's

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