Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I Want Wednesday : Kaleidoscope Jewelry Holder

Kaleidoscope Jewelry Holder 
Isn't this just the prettiest jewelry holder you ever did see? I seriously love it! All of my jewels would look so pretty on it! I have a jewelry holder at home. It is disguised as a picture frame. Instead of putting pictures in it, I got my little sister to draw little pictures for it. Here are some of the photos.
 On the right side there is a weird little photo. It is one of the dragonfly keys in the first Harry Potter movie. She watched it for the first time the other day. Hehe.
 There is the inside. All empty because all of my Jewelry is at school.
Then she drew me a little penguin who is thinking about presents. She knows that penguins are my fave animal! What a sweet little sister!

Anyways, I am off to art class and then to study my life away! I can't believe how quickly work piles up!

Don't forget to check out the sponsor giveaways!

xo ldc

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