Thursday, March 17, 2011

Here's the Scoop + Some Chances to get Involved!

So I thought I would do a little post to tell you whats up, becuase there seems to be a lot of stuff going on and then not so much stuff going on all at the same time (if that makes sense).

  • There is butt ton going on on campus this weekend! It's Cheaton cup: the most epic hockey game against rivalry houses eaton(yuck) and Chipman(WOOOO).  That photo above is a photo of some of my friends and I (in the middle) last year at this time! That was about 9 o'clock in the morning haha! So it's a huge event and amongst all the shenanigans that go on, it's actually raising money for Cystic Fibrosis. Everyone on campus is pretty excited about it! It should be an epic time. Therefore I will have no blog post on Saturday. I have been designing some tee shirts for the event:

Like them? I am going to go to get some Iron on Transfers so that I can put them on tee shirts!

  • So there will be no sponsors next month, as I will be in the middle of exams and that just sounds like a bit of added work that I won't be needing. I love all of my sponsors and I am super glad they are sponsoring! That's why I think it would be awesome if guys could all enter the giveaways
  • I am still looking for a couple of participants that want to share some cool hair tips that they have as a blog event! Email me your idea and I will let you know if I think it will fit in with the week!
  • Also, I really want to do a post for you, to all find out a bit about me! So start thinking up some wicked good questions. 
  • And so that I can get to know you a little better, answer this poll question:
    Do you think it is wrong to use your computer while also using the bathroom?
    Uhh Yeah!
    Heck No!
    Number 1 or Number 2?
    Wow, just wow.
    why would you ask such a thing? free polls
    Have a lovely weekend!
    xo ldc

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