Saturday, February 5, 2011

GIVEAWAY : Dreamfctry OVER

Hi there i'm Bek, married mother of two and creator of dreamfctry - a world full of gorgeous handmade items made just for you including home decor, vintage finds and a range of other wonderful bits of crafty love.
Sewing is my passion. I sew something every single day [i don't watch much tv hehe] and just love to quilt so it was natural that i would [as many of us crafty mamas feel compelled to] start my own little store full of handmade own little dreamfctry!
Dreamfcrty is a relatively new store and you might find little in our etsy shop at this present moment but stay tuned because i have been a busy little mama and there are many new items on their way including [but never limited to!] quilts, buntings, cushions, wall art and much more.
Included in items to soon hit the store are these gorgeous floral buntings [shown above] and guess what? You can WIN one right here.
All you need to do is:
1. Become a public follower of [dreamfctry] and leave a comment below
2. Blog about this giveaway [and include a link of course!] and leave an additional comment below [be sure to include your blog link :)]
3. Become a follower of the dreamfctry [facebook page] and leave a comment below
4. Share the [dreamfctry blog] to your facebook profile [using the cool little widget in the top left corner of the blog] and leave an additional comment below
5. Heart the dreamctry [etsy store] and leave an additional comment below
6. Tweet about this giveaway and leave an additional comment below
Good luck! Bek xo


  1. I want thissss! Now a follower! Cute blog!

  2. & now a follower on FB as well!

  3. & hearted on Etsy. Can't wait to see new items! Great work already!

  4. So cute! Welcome to the world of retail lol.
    I Facebook liked.
    teresasdt at gmail dot com

  5. I am now a follower of dreamfctry.

    teresasdt at gmail dot com

  6. Following dreamfctry in Google Reader. So lovely!

  7. absolutely so pretty in every way! I followed you on bloglovin...hope that works!

    amymorby (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. So cute! I want to own this :)
    I am a follower of her pretty blog.


  9. Shared on Facebook! :)
    "Kristin Marie Maciel"


  10. awh, sooo cute. moving into a new flat soon, this would be perfect!!
