Saturday, February 5, 2011

Craft Day = Success

We had an awesome craft day this week (and not just because it ended in pizza either).
Kaila and I started a little company together called K.Lin where we sell Infini-Tees which are recycled tee shirts made into necklace scarves. Someone generously donated approx 200 white tee shirts to us that were left over from a fundraiser. Yesterday we got a start on making some new Infini-Tee designs for the market next weekend! Here are some photos!
Those are the pretty colours we used for some of the scarves. We also have some really pretty new valentines day inspired ones!
So we stuck paint in a bag with the tee shirt pieces and shook them up. It's really quite a fun process!
We got pretty covered in paint.
We ended up making a pretty big mess of my room haha.

George Potter loves craft day. He chilled with us the whole time... 
Then we just had a bit of good old fun!
Just another craft day success!

When we get all of the infini-tees up and ready I will take some photos to show you! So far they look pretty awesome if I do say so myself! I am super excited for the market next weekend!

Happy Saturday!
xo ldc


  1. haha, looks like you had fun! :)

  2. cant wait to get my hands on some:) ..

  3. Such a good idea! It looks super exciting!

  4. oh my, so fun. i need to find crafty real life friends.

  5. love this! looks like the best blast of crafty good times ever. the "process" even sounds fun. like total shake and bake. awesome. happy weekend. ♥

  6. I would have loved to have been with you on your craft day so much fun to be

  7. oh that looks like so much fun! if my sister lived here we would totally do craft days together!!

  8. I ♥ the Shepard Fairey poster on the wall, one of my favorites!
