Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Art & Rally

Today we had a large rally down the front street of town to try and stop the government from increasing our tuition prices. Students all across Nova Scotia took part in the rally! It was so snowy and cold out! It's actually still snowing! Fingers crossed for another snow day!
After the rally we went to art class! Here are some of the photos I took!
That's the pretty paint filled sink.
That was my homework (but I guess it wasn't really due, oh well) it was to practice different variations of shading.
We are starting to work with water colours. On the left are my circles and on the right are Kaila's.
And some up close pics...
The little pebbly stuff is salt. You put it on the wet paint to add texture.
Some shading with coloured pencils.
Mine and Kaila's pretty water colours! I really love this picture!
Did you do anything exciting today?
xo ldc


  1. I think there was a rally here too at the University of Alberta a while it odd that I like protest signs? Maybe.

    Sweet post!

  2. That's so cool! I'd love to learn how to use watercolors... I guess I could take an art class on the side, haha!


  3. So cool! Watercolors are so pretty. :)

  4. I love watercolors!
    the pics are soo pretty ♥


  5. I like your photos of the watercolors!

    thanks for your comment, I'm not from Bangor but from Southern Maine near where Steven King has a summer home.
