Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good News & Bad News

So! I got my computer back (thats the good news). The bad news is that it came back with all of my files wiped off it (gasp). Apparently I was supposed to be informed that this was a possibility, however I do not remember being told so. I am trying extremely hard to be optimistic since I still love apple.. and they did fix my computer for free.. however, it is tough coming to the realization that everything you had on your computer for the best two years is gone. I am going to try and be positive by thinking that this is like a fresh start! I do have a hard drive, but I think I left it at school and it hadn't been updated in a while, but it will at least give me something. In the meantime, any new tunes I should download? Any cute screen savers floating around?

On the bright side, this is a cute photo!
xo ldc


  1. Oh dear! So sad that you lost all your files but hopefully you can make some new exciting memories on your computer - like you said, a fresh start!

    Please visit my blog and enter my giveaway - that might cheer you up a bit:

    Have fun!
    love from

  2. Oh, what a bummer! But bravo for positive thinking! :)
