Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why I haven't Been Blogging.. And Prob Won't Start for a While

Hello! It's been a while. But, honestly, its not you, its me. I thought I would share with you all of the reasons I haven't been blogging, and also why I prob won't start for another month. I really enjoy blogging, but when it gets to be a chore its really not as fun anymore. So I think I will be a more "sporadic spontaneous" blogger for a bit.

So here we go..
Firstly, my new found love of highrise cutoffs is really taking up a good portion of my time. I mean, you need to cut them and try them on, and then cut them again. Also, there is a the bleaching.. which takes a while. It really is a full time job making them and then wearing them.. but it's worth it in the end. Really.. it is.

Second of all.. probably one of the bog reasons I haven't been blogging.. is work. It takes up a lot of my time. It is pretty fun though. I enjoy the work and the people I work with which is nice. Also, I no longer work with tourists which is a plus for sure. If you are wondering what I am doing for the summer you can read all about it here. For those of you who want the quick and dirty version.. I study the impact of coastal erosion on communities and how it can be better implemented into policy planning within the local municipalities. A mouthful, I know. 

I have been trying to exercise a lot. I have some time when I get home from work (which I could be dedicating to blogging, but I'm not). So I do an ab workout which you can find here. I guess it is basically ab ripper X, it seems to do the trick so I am sticking to it. I also do some exercises with a medicine ball I have and I run and skip (not like the really happy kind) almost everyday. I don't have a scale where I live, so I don't know how much (if any) weight I've lost.. but my pants seem kind of baggy so I think its working. Also.. see me in working photo vs. me in photo above. I look a little less frumpy I think... although it could be the plaid.

And lastly, that's right.. I have been having fun. Although I live in the middle of the woods with no television, I still seem to find a way to have fun. I have been meeting people through a little thing I call mingling and its just fun. I like the town where I live and I like the people I am living with. So all is good there!

So those are some of the reasons I have not been blogging. But you never know.. I may get some inspiration tomorrow to try it out again, but I am not going to pressure myself. Its not a job.. its suppose to be fun. So that's how I am going to treat it.


  1. we've missed seeing your awesome blog posts!

  2. Love those ombre shorts! xx

  3. I love your shorts.... I need to exercise more often! I really really mean to do that soon.... LOL

    love, polly :D

  4. cute post! I love the van, my dad would second that because he is obsessed with vans :P Hope to see more posts in the new year!

    Thank you for following my blog, all the best in the new year! I will be posting more DIY projects, daily inspirations, knitting projects and tuturials and more.
    Lisa :)
