Monday, March 5, 2012

Crochet Inspired Instagrams

I thought I would share some of my fave instagram photos that I have taken of crochet items. I am super into crocheting right now (maybe because if the weather) and so I take lots of photos of it! I am really into the chevron pattern right now! I have been making lots of infinity scarves out of it that I am hoping to sell at the local farmer's market soon. The second photo is of a blanket I am working on slowly. It is pretty huge so it is taking a while. 

I have been thinking about doing some crocheting tutorials soon, would anyone be interested in learning anything specific to crocheting? ldc


  1. I would love to see whatever you have on any stitch you know! I've been crocheting for a long time, but only with straight stitches or things I make up. I learn a new stitch like once a year haha. It'd be fun even to see a bunch of different types of flowers.

  2. Ohh I LOVE the pattern and colors in the first photo!! So cute!! I'm proud of you lady : ) Hope you sell a million of them at the farmer's market!!!

  3. Wow, I love the colours you use! I keep seeing crochet crafts all over the place and definitely think i need to learn how. I would love to see any kind of tutorial!
    lovely blog,

  4. I have always wanted to learn to crochet. I would love a crochet 101 course!
