Monday, January 30, 2012

Blogger App Review : Using the blogger app

Note: this post was done entirely by using the blogger app available in the itunes store. 

Hello! I thought I would do a review of the blogger app for those of you that have an apple product or are thinking about getting one. I figured what better way to review the Blogger App then to use it to write this post?

What I like about the blogger app:
- it makes blogging easy on the go.
- I can easily use my instagram photos with blogging.
- its free... So you don't really loose anything is trying it.

What I don't like about the blogger app:
- I can't figure out how to place my own photos. It just sticks them on the end of the post.
- I can't make the photos extra large so they don't fill up my post column like the rest of my pictures.

Overall this is a good app for on the go. However, your posts will need a little bit of TLC after the fact. So it's really up to you! I do believe this is a new app so they might make some updates that improve it.


  1. Ooh, I need to try this one, too!
    Thanks for sharing! xxx

  2. Awesome, thanks for posting a review! I've downloaded it, but I haven't used it yet. I schedule alot of my blog posts, but maybe one day I will want to blog on the go? :)

  3. Awesome! I blog a lot from my iphone. I like to use Bloggpress, and I think it is worth the money. You can upload video, and put pictures in text!
