Monday, November 28, 2011

Well Hello There Monday!

Hello Everyone! Today is my last Monday of classes of the semester, and also probably going to be the worst week yet. I can't explain to you the happiness I will feel Thursday night (I have no Friday classes). This has been a crazy semester since I am in my third year and just beginning my minor in Business. Also being part of the school paper has added to my busyness, but in a good way. I wish I had the time to do more crafty things and more photography, but someone once told me school work comes first and for some I listened (well.. partially). So when Christmas break comes, aka the light at the end of the tunnel, I will start to do much better blogging, and more pretty crafty things, I really will try. But until then, you will have to deal with this lovely photo of me:
This was from our first day of snow this year! It was also a huge amount of snow and they cancelled some classes. That twas a good day! Ps. Hat credit goes to my boyfriend.. While walking down the road a cab driver stopped to tell me he liked my hat haha! Anyways, that's it for now. It is time to study...


  1. I love that hat!

    I minored in business in college and didn't start the classes until my junior year either. It was not fun to cram all those classes into just a couple of semesters but I think it was worth it. :-)
