Monday, October 24, 2011

When I am having weeks like these....

Seriously school... two midterms, two huge assignments, three group projects, and four meeting? It's going to be a crazy week...

However, it is true that in between chapters and such I like to go off to Pinterest and take my mind off my studying for a few. I think it helps me refocus (as long as I'm not too distracted for too long).

If you would like to contribute to my procrastination by following me on Pinterest, I would love to follow you back to see all of your lovely pins! If only I had the time to make all the things I love on Pinterest.. wouldn't life be grand. Anyways, it's back to Financial Accounting for me. xo ldc

1 comment:

  1. Oh Pinterest, I agree, it's such a lovely timewaster. I"m on there too - see you there!
