Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sponsor Swap

 Hello! If you are interested in swapping sponsor spots with me for November I will be swapping on a first come first served basis (however, I have yet to turn anyone away).

How it works is basically you send me a button 185x80 and let me know what size you need. Then put the buttons up at the beginning of the month. If you are interested then send me an email by clicking the email button above or go the old fashion way and type it in: 098585c (at) Acadiau (dot) ca


  1. Um, I'm going to sound really silly right now, but I'm interested. I just need to send a button that's 185x80 to you and let you know how big you need to make yours to send me? I can email it to you too! :) Sorry, I'm new to the whole swap thing but I'm looking into it lately.

  2. I want to swap! Please have me too! :D
