Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What I Have Been up Too :: According to my iPhone

Hello! So I have been a little absent in the blogging world lately and it is because I have been so busy lately getting ready for school! So I thought I would share some photos from my iPhone to give you an idea of what I have been doing.
A few weeks ago I went boating with my Dad and my Step Mom. We took supper with us and ate while floating in the middle of the river. It was a perfect day! I have some nice photos of this that I will hopefully share soon!
I spent a lot of time at the lake with my dad this summer since our family has property there and it's halfway between my house and his house. While we are there we do a lot of canoeing (but not your average canoeing, photos to come!). We also seem to do a lot of eating ha! My dad has been going to this spot on the lake since he was little. So while I was there one time this summer he found his old goggles! I thought they were pretty cool so I took a pic!
This is Sunni, I just think she's cute so I took a pic of her! ps. we have the same birthday :)
This is Peanut. She is Sunni's aunt. Don't worry, she always looks sad like this. We used to call her Eeyore dog cause she hunches over all sad haha.
So this is a photo of myself and all of my bags that my grandmother sells for me at the market. I don't think I ever really explained what LDC Designs is, I should probably do that, but in short it is the name of my tiny sewing company. I sell my things in two different stores as well as at the market where I got to school, and my grandmother sells my things at a market she goes to. I will work on doing a post to explain this better! I just thought this photo was cool because it had all the pretty fabrics in it!
Last week my friend (and co-worker) Lauren and I went to Campobello for the day. For those of you (which is probably most of you) who don't know what Campobello is, it's an island where FDR had his summer cottage. Now it is a park where you can visit. It is actually in Canada but very close to the US, so they have American and Canadian people who work there. It is a super pretty place with awesome flowers! I actually have no digital photos of this trip because I forgot my camera battery, but I happened to have a film camera so when I get that developed I will share!
This is a photo of the wall paper in one of the cottages on Campobello Island. It is now my phone background. Pretty funky ha!
So now we come to this photo! As I said above I have been busy because I have been getting ready for school. So, to get from my house in Maine to school in Nova Scotia it takes about 6 hours of driving, a little more with stops and what not. So when you enter Nova Scotia it's about the halfway point, so that is what this photos is of. I will share photos of my room soon!

So throughout the next couple of weeks I will be posting photos of some of the things I did this summer that I didn't have time to post about before! I am also starting classes tomorrow at school so I will do some posts to let you know a little about my school and what I am doing this year and what not! I hope you have a lovely Tuesday! xo ldc

1 comment:

  1. Happy new school year!! Hope it rocks!

    Love that wallpaper...its so fun. :)
