Monday, September 12, 2011

Adventures with the School News Paper

Hey everyone! So I am the new Photo Editor for my school's news paper the Athenaeum. Basically I get photo requests from the different sections in the paper and then I either take the photos and edit them or get volunteers to take photos. I thought I would share some of the photos I took this week that may be going in the paper.
This first photo is of Joel Plaskett my fave singer! He is Canadian but becoming pretty famous all over. This was my fourth time seeing him and it was awesome. I was trying to get a good photo but I happen to be really short so I asked the sound guys if I could stand on the cases for their equipment and they let me. That's how I got this wicked shot! I love it.
This photo is of the theater and coffee shop downtown. So when you walk in you are first in a coffee shop (my fave coffee shop) and then out back is the theater. It's one of the best places in town to have meetings and little study groups or just hang out with friends and gossip, hehe.
This last one is our new market building. The market used to be in our student union building on campus, but they recently renovated this building and moved the market here. It's a really great market with a huge range of stuff. They also open it on Wednesday nights now too which is awesome.

So those are my three faves for this week. I don't know if they will make the paper but I still love them! Happy Monday! ldc

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