Thursday, August 4, 2011

NEW :: Through My Hipstamatic Lens

Hello! I have been using my hipstamatic iPhone camera for a little while now and I wanted to share a few of my fave photos that I have taken. I thought I might make it into a weekly feature and see how it goes. I love the way all the photos turn out! I feel like I am cheating on my DSLR a little bit though haha. I need to keep reminding myself that it is still important to use a real camera as well! But anyways, here are my faves:

 This is a pic of my Dad and Step Mom's trailer when we went camping last week.
 While we were camping we visited an antique store and I took this photo of a bunch of antique bottles.
 We went to the dock and there was this huge boat there. I am not exactly sure what it was doing there but I thought it looked cool!
 This sign made me giggle a little.
 This is my little sis at our town pool. She was laughing because she drank all my water on me and thought it was funny.
 This makes me smile so much! I think she looks a bit like an avatar in this photo haha.
 This was at the pool where my boyfriend works. I brought her over there the other day because they have a water slide. She spent the whole time going down the slide, to the ladder and back to the slide. She must have gone down in 50 times in two hours.
 Here is a photo of Joshua and I in Portsmouth New Hampshire on Monday. We went on vacation there for a few days this week to visit some family from New York!
 That is all for now! Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this weekly feature since I feel like I have been slacking a lot with my blog. I really need to get some new blogger inspiration. Leave me a comment if you have any suggestions for inspiration! xo ldc


  1. I love my Hipstamatic lens, too! Your pictures were great! I use that lens every day. Maybe you need to blog about how you use it and when?

  2. I love all the camera apps for, love, love.

    Hipstamatic is one of my overall faves though too.

    ps. Love the blog design!!!
