Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hair Week :: Orange

As some of you may know, I love to dye my hair. I just started doing it last year and got quite addicted to crazy colors! It wasn't until easter was getting nearer and I realized (or more specifically was told) that my hair was too eastery. hehe. So I dyed dark brown over the rainbow colours and have been stuck with boring brown ever since. I thought that it might be nice to try out orange next! So here are some inspirational photos of orange hair! What do you think? xo ldc


  1. As a ginger I strongly recommand this, haha ^^ x

  2. I think it's a fab idea I've always wanted ginger hair but redish brown was the closest I ever got :)

  3. i have red hair. i love it. the only thing i would say is make sure it looks natural. it's one of my biggest pet peeves to have to see fake ugly like red hair... do orange. it's not red hair. it's orange! ha

    good luck and cannot wait to see what you come up with!!

    allister bee blog
