Monday, August 22, 2011

Hair Week Blog Event!

Welcome to the Hair Week Blog Event! For those of you who have followed my blog for a little while you know that I love doing and dying my hair! During the summer I have to keep my hair plain jane because of my summer job. Therefore, I am going nuts not being able to dye my hair a funky color or get something cool like hair feathers! This inspired me to put together a large collection of hair inspiration posts that I hope you will enjoy.

Along with my hair being boring I thought it would be great to do this at the end of August since everyone is going back to school and what not. I always feel like I need a new hairstyle before I start school. Therefore hopefully these posts will inspire you and me both to do something fantastic to our hair for September!

What to look forward to this week: Hiar tutorials and inspiration from your favorite bloggers. DIY's for awesome hair styles & Inspiration for different hair styles and colors!

Hold on tight cause your head is about to explode with awesome inspiration (that's almost a pun isn't it?).

1 comment:

  1. hi!

    That sounds great! I cant wait to see whats next!(:
    Im about to radically change my hair so maybe this will inspire me.

    Hope you have an awesome week(;

    Carmila Ponycat (
