Tuesday, July 26, 2011

[Online Role Models]

Online there are many people I look up to, mostly because they are working to follow their dreams and doing their dream jobs rather than the conventional types of employment. I find myself wondering if I will be able to take the risks they do when I am older or whether or not I will end up in a "regular person" job. I do love my degree in Environmental and Sustainability, and I can see myself working with communities or companies to become more sustainable. However, it is my second choice to something like owning my own store and making a living from the things I create. This is why I wanted to show you a few of the people I dream of being like, my online role models.
The first person I would like to introduce (although everyone already knows her) is Elsie Larson. Through following her blog you can see that she lives her dream life every day. Many people wish to have the success she has had in owning her own business. How she finds the time to continue blogging with everything else she does is beyond me. She is a role model to me because she creates such beautiful things and has such a lovely imagination. She is such an inspiration to so many, and she does it just by following her own style! It's really inspirational. If I could grow up to be creative like her I would...
The second person I would like to introduce is Promise Tangeman. She is an amazing graphic designer who stays true to her style. Not only are her graphic designs amazing but she has a wicked style that she is not afraid to hide! Her hair is always twice as large as mine and twice as awesome, seriously. She is a role model to me because I love the blogging world and I love designing blogs and she does all this for a living, and she does it in style! If I could grow up to be a designer like her I would...
The third person I would like to introduce you to is one of my all time favorite photographers, Kimberly Scott. She takes the most beautiful photos with a style all her own (notice how style is a theme in this post so far?). She has two adorable children who she takes beautiful pictures of all the time. She dresses how she wants and she always looks awesome. I love looking through her photos for inspiration. If I could grow up to be a photographer like her I would...

So there you have it, my three online role models: a crafter, a graphic designer and a photographer. Now is it possible to grow up to do all three? I hope so. xo ldc

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think you can do all of those things no reason why you couldn't. I completely agree that those role models are top crop. Elsie is my favorite but who's favorite isn't she?!?! :)
