Sunday, July 3, 2011

Canada Day Shenanigans

Hello! Happy Sunday!
Canada day was Friday so I went up to Nova Scotia to spend the weekend with some of my friends! I rent a house there for school so I had a place to stay (I will show some pics of it later this week). We spent the day hanging out on the front lawn of the school. I took a bunch of photos and we just fooled around and ate snacks all day. I had lots of fun with my Fish Eye Lens. There are a few of the photos I edited of the day!
we took a billion jumping pics hehe. So fun!

We were hemping a bit, making some bracelets but we had no beads so we used fabric to make them look pretty instead. So this is just some pretty string from ripping the fabric.
I can make this into a DIY if anyone is interested?
Joshua and I :)

This is three photos overlapped to make this weird effect. Kaila looks like a ghost in the back haha.

And more jumping....
I really like this last photo. I like the colours a lot!
All in all this was a fantastic day! I can't wait to go back to school and spend more time with my friends in our awesome house! I took some photos of my new room there that I will be sharing in the near future! I started to decorate it a little and I am super excited about it!
xo ldc