Friday, March 4, 2011

Some New Tunes for your Ears

 Last night some friends and I went to a Craig Cardiff concert at the school. It was held in a little room I usually study in. He turned the lights down low (in that make out sesh/funeral kind of way, as he put it). He played a lot of really great songs and it was nice that it was a small intimate crowd where he could call people out and chat with us while he played. He had some pretty great stories to tell. I think that you all should really check him out! Hes tunes are folksy, so if you are into that you will love him!  So here are some links to his Facebook, Twitter, Website and Myspace. Check him out and let me know what you think!

Accompanying Craig, was Robyn Dell'Unto. I loved her songs and voice so much I bought her CD! She signed it for me too! I really consider you listen to this video or some of her other music. I am seriously in love with her voice. Here is her Facebook page, Website, MySpace, and Twitter.

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