Monday, March 7, 2011

Maiden Braids

I love doing maiden braids with my hair. I saw the post on a a Beautiful Mess the other day with a tutorial on how to do maiden braids and I thought I would share mine. I think it looks really cool with my new hair colour! While I was taking these pictures of myself I got a few more photos that I like that I thought I would share.

I would really like to do some posts with hair tips. My only concern is that I have only one type of hair, obviously. Therefore, I would need some people to help me out! Do you have any hair tips that you would like to share? Perhaps a blog post with a tutorial/tips? If you are interested, send me an email by clicking the link under my header!

xo ldc


  1. oh my gosh, im in love with your hair! especially the braids, its like a whole different headband! :) so pretty

  2. love the colours through the braid. so pretty! :D

  3. You have such pretty hair! I love the colors:)

  4. Your hair is delightful! Especially with all that color.

  5. your new color rocks and those maiden braids only emphasize the goodness!!!

    when i saw the tut on elsie's space i almost lost my mind and wished for that much hair to be able to do something similar but your version is definitely do-able. love it. ♥

  6. That is pretty cute with your colored hair!

  7. your new hair is so pretty! Love the style too!

  8. I love the way your braids turned out and the colors just pop! I need to watch that video to learn how it's done!

  9. Just found you through Kam's blog and I absolutely love your hair! Has me aching to dye my hair even more now. :]
