Thursday, March 24, 2011

Field Trip !

Hello! Last Friday a few people from my program (ESST) went on a field trip to Halifax to visit some places the work with or practice sustainability! I thought I would share a few photos cause it was really awesome.

First we stopped at this house that is surprisingly environmentally friendly. See the solar panels on the roof? It's called the Ecology Action Center and they do a lot of really cool stuff!
On the wall inside the EAC was this awesome spoon art! It looks so simple to make, I may try it this summer cause it is so cool!
They also do things to show different environmentally friendly home options such as this mud and straw wall. They also put some sea glass in it which was really cool looking.
Then we went to the Halifax Farmers Market. It wasn't very busy because it was a week day. I went last weekend too and it was super busy! They have a lot of awesome food :) Mmmm
Here is Megan, she was taking some lovely photos! You can check out her new blog here!
Then we went to the Shambhala Center. The inside it not at all what I expected! It was so cool!
There was this awesome space where you can meditate and such! It was sooo pretty!
Isn't the ceiling amazing!
So it was a super fun field trip! It's not that often that you get to go on a field trip in University so it was awesome to hang out with everyone in my program. I am in charge of the blog for my program you can check it out here.
Have you visited anywhere cool lately?
xo ldc


  1. oooohhh this post is so pretty! I do love those ceilings! Happy Thursday!

  2. Wowee that is a gorgeous meditation center! I love the detail on the columns! I love the idea of a wall with sea glass embedded too! So glad you had an awesome trip, thanks for sharing!
    xo Shannon

  3. Wow,
    I really love that spoon art thing.
    I think it's inspiring me to go create something "spoon themed"!

  4. SPOON ART??? Yes please!! I'd have a bit of that in my kitchen =) x
