Monday, February 28, 2011

A Thank You to Febuary Sponsors

I would just like to have one last shout-out for my February Sponsors! They were really awesome sponsors and they all had great giveaways, three of which are still going on right now! You can enter them by clicking on the links on the sidebar! Take a bit of time to check them out if you haven't already!

Hi, everyone! I'm Veronica from Crack the Sky, my personal blog where I write about my adventures, crafty projects, my Etsy shop, eating vegan, music I like, photography, other crafters and bloggers who inspire me.... and pretty much anything else that grabs my attention. I like to think of it as a grab-bag of fun.  ;-)

I am a fun loving hoarder of craft supplies, yarn, & scrapbook
paper.  There is a special man in my life, Rudy, a
little chihuahua owned by my parents & he is the only boy for
me (well, right now anyway).  I love the view from my little
campus apartment in my small college town.

Just Because by LeeLee
Hello Everyone!! Im LeeLee , fashion designer and owner of Just because. In My Blog you can find my inspirations- (art, fashion, music, styles, photography, tutorials..). I can say that I'm addicted to music, I really can't live without music, I'm always finding new bands, new styles, new rhythms, new sounds. I specially love girl rock bands!

Hi there i'm Bek, married mother of two and creator of dreamfctry - a world full of gorgeous handmade items made just for you including home decor, vintage finds and a range of other wonderful bits of crafty love.
Sewing is my passion. I sew something every single day [i don't watch much tv hehe] and just love to quilt so it was natural that i would [as many of us crafty mamas feel compelled to] start my own little store full of handmade own little dreamfctry!

I'm a vagabond of a 23-year-old graphic designer/cat lady with an affinity for all things vintage. I thrift far too often, sew constantly, and love music more than is socially acceptable. I also own a 1984 Westfalia Vanagon (the one you see in my blog banner). We take it on road trip adventures unparalleled by Kerouac himself. Someday I will regret saying that I love this Westy more than I will ever love my children. That’s not a lie.

My humble little corner of the interwebs is all about the love of thrifting, vintage fashion, music, sewing, my diana and instax, cats in clothing (jk. but seriously.) crafting, and other lovely things of that nature. It's basically a mish mash of all my loves--a labor of vintage love--and it would be the best day in America if you stopped by to visit!


Hi there! I'm Katie, you can find me over on my blog Punk Projects where I post My Art, Craft Tutorials, Pretty Inspiration, and random things about my life!

My blog is all about being married to my best friend, my adventures, handmade goods and my photography biz. A few of my hobbies include, swinging at the park, playing with my husband, singing out loud in the car, attempting to cook while wearing an apron, hanging out in the woods and drinking coffee!  I take pictures for a living and make things for fun! Lately I've been working on sewing up little owl plushies but I recently picked up the paint brush. My giveaway for LDC Designs is a print of a new painting of mine. It features a tipi, barn owl, pretty feathers and the phrase "love is wild for reasons". Can I tell you a secret?

LDC designs 
Hello everyone- I'm Mary Rebecca and I'm really excited to be a sponsor this month for LDC Designs!

You can find my blog over at Hello Mary Rebecca. My blog is just a place for me to post about my life and give you a ton of visual stimulation. ;D
Get ready for March Sponsors!  Coming tonight! 
xo ldc


  1. Yay thank you so much for the final shout out! It was fun to sponsor!

  2. Thanks, I enjoyed sponsoring LDC Designs! :)

  3. :):) thank you lindsay!!! it was awesome being your sponsor! giveaway successful! :D xoxo!
