Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fun Free Downloads!

Hello everyone! I have found a couple of fun free downloads that I would like to share with you!

First of all is a free download from Pugly Pixel. This blog is full of awesome things to download from pretty tape strips to a pretty pink blog template! All of her free downloads are super fun to play around with in Photoshop. She also gives some blog advice and you can ask her questions about HTML on her Formspring which is lovely!

Second is a lovely label font that is fun to play with! If you are an organized person who loves to label things it's perfect for you! haha.

Anyways, I thought I would share these finds with you because they are both quite lovely. If you don't have photoshop you can print the ribbons out and use them as paper scrapbooking! I did this for valentines day and it was super cute!

Let me know if you use these for anything! I would love to see it!

xo ldc


  1. Ah, that label font is what I used for my header. I love it <3

  2. Awesome! Thanks for sharing these links! I bookmarked them so I can play next time I upload pictures. :)
