Sunday, January 9, 2011

GIVEAWAY --> Shannon*bear ! [Plush Owl]

Hiya! I'm Shannon from shannon*bear! shannon*bear is my personal blog where I write about my adventures, style crushes, diys and my photography biz!
I'm so pumped to be able to take part in a giveaway with Lindsay! I'm giving away one of my favorite owl plushies. It's a little sweetheart from my line called "Night Eyes"!
You guys are the very first to see these! I'll be updating my shop with these wee plushies this week. Eeeep! I can't wait to see who wins! If you want to know more about me and what I do you can check out my blog here, follow me on twitter or friend me on facebook! Good luck!
xoxo Shannon

to enter the giveaway, first be a follower and leave a comment!

for one extra entry, leave an extra comment after you...

1. leave a lovely comment over @ Shannon*bear
2. twitter about the giveaway
3. blog about the giveaway


  1. hi there, love you blog :) totally a follower and i have blogged about this giveaway on my blog - :)

    Bek xo

  2. Became a follower,left comment, dont do facebook anymore as much, never twittered but i can make a poem for you giveaway

    Night eyes
    Saw the skies of white and fluffy snow
    He wondered in his makers inn
    To stay warm and enjoy with a grin
    As the morning came the owls dont play
    They sleep till the the night comes back
    He sat on the sill
    And had such a thrill to see the sparkles again

  3. very cute! i really love all the different fabrics she uses. :]

  4. super cute i love the owl
    i am a follower

  5. love the owl too adorable! and the scarf is so original and would love to sport it around town! great giveaway.


    I am a twitter follower
