Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter Photos !

My friend Megan and I took some winter photos the other day! She got the new Canon Rebel so we really wanted to play around with it! We did some indoor photos until it started to snow more and then we did some pretty outdoor ones.

Have you taken any winter photos yet this year? Leave a link!
xo ldc


  1. I really love your new blog header. It's gorgeous! And those are super cute winter photos.

  2. My fav is the 4th one and the last one

  3. these are amazing...i own a canon rebel, but have yet to completely get the hang of all of the settings and use it to it's fullest potential! i've taken winter photos with is, but nothing like these...just photos of trees, birds and squirrels around my home! you can check them out on my new blog all about photography i recently started

    Have a lovely Sunday!

  4. i like your new header and side thing :)
    snow photos are the prettiest!!

  5. Cute photos! You guys are both so pretty. My favourite is the last one... gorgeous!
