Monday, January 24, 2011

GIVEAWAY --> Two Flower Headbands !

Oh hey! I'm Leyla...yes, like the Eric Clapton song but no, I wasn't named after it. I run a little Etsy shop where I sell....well, lots of random things. And I write about them [and lots of other things too] on my blog, Too Much of a Good Thing.

HI :)

I live in Oregon and I think it's pretty much the most awesome place ever, so I do my best to make you believe that too. I write about crafty things, being a sous chef to my super awesome amateur chef husband, and I'm working on Project 365 which I'm super excited about. 

Like I said, I make lots of things....I basically have Craft ADD. I think it's a real sickness but it makes me happy so that's good. Lately I've been on a headband kick, so....I'm giving away two different kinds of headbands! 

My crafting ADD is proudly on display in my Etsy shop and my blog. Come say hi! 

To enter the giveaway...
  1. Visit Too Much of a Good Thing Etsy Shop and tell us your favorite thing!
  2. Twitter about the giveaway 
  3. Blog about the giveaway
  4. Follow Leyla's Blog
Good Luck! 


  1. Hey There!
    I'm a follower of both of you guys!
    That zipper rose is AWESOME!
    Here's where you can reach me...

  2. LOVE the zipper rose

    these are so cute


  3. I like the black zipper flower statement headband. :)


  4. I adooooore your elephant "love you tons" notecard. HOW PRECIOUS! And still not too girly to give to a guy.

  5. Again, if entries are open outside of the US of A then I would love to enter! I love the Multi Coloured Beanie Cloche, it's adorable. I love the Red and White Crochet Headband too. .. . I need to learn to crochet so bad!!


  6. Melivin the monkey! Cute as!!!
