Sunday, January 2, 2011

365 Project ! Do or Don't

I really want to start the 365 photo project. Although, I now feel like I am two days behind! However, I may have taken a picture past midnight on New Years Eve and I could run up ang get my camera right now! Hehe. I am seriously contemplating it! My only concern is that I will forget and mess it up!
What do you guys think? Have you done it?
xo ldc


  1. As long as you accept the fact now that you will miss a day here and there, it is totally do able.
    If you try to be perfect you'll only stress yourself out.
    And that is clearly not the point.
    (I did it for 10 months once. And then quit because my harddrive died and ate most of my archives and just frustrated me. Lame)

  2. i'm going to do it! but i'll prbly just photo most days w/ my iphone. i wanted to make it as stress free as possible and not get all worked up about something that is supposed to be for fun. hope you do it too! :]

  3. Don't worry about when you start it. It's just about completing the project. I started mine on May 1st last year. Some days it's hard to take time to take a picture of something and sometimes the pictures aren't great, but it is so satisfying to know that you accomplished something that big. :)

    I actually started a second project on the first. My original project that started on in May is pictures taken with my camera and my second one is pictures taken with my Hipstamatic app on my phone.

    Good luck!

  4. Go for it!
    I'm doing it, too, so odds are if you mess up you won't be alone. ;)

  5. Do it! Do it! Do it! I started it back in August and gave up after a couple of weeks, but I just picked it back up yesterday. Here's to getting all 365 done! :)

  6. There was a guy who took a picture of himself I think for 3-5yrs and then did a video of it. I can only imagine he missed a day or two (or many) in that time! Good luck! It sounds like a fun idea! I agree with those above if you miss a day here or there you wont be alone!

  7. Do it! I did it in 2009 - it is hard work!

  8. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!!! If you want to go for it, then go for it!

  9. I'm doing it! I'm going to try to make it more about life than about perfectly styled professional-looking photographs. I know I'll miss a few days...hopefully when I don't have my camera, I can just use my iphone and snap a simple pic. Good luck if you decide to do it!

  10. You should totally do it! At least you know you have a support group to keep you going :)
