Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Zoemou Jewelry

Before I get to my post, I am just letting you know that until the December 15th I have exams. Therefore, I am going to be studying and working most of the time which means less time for blogging. I will try and still blog some in my spare time (study breaks you know!). After the 15th I am on vacation from school until January 10th so I will do lots of blogging and maybe even a blog makeover!


Have you all seen Zoemou jewelry? It is so gorgeous! I wish I was rich. Here are some of my fave pieces but you can check out all of their Jewelry here

xo ldc


  1. that is pretty jewelry!! and good luck with your exams!!!! you will do great :)

  2. you picked such good jewelry!! I love all of the necklaces!

  3. not sure if i could pick out a favorite if i tried... love it ALL!!

    p.s. i gave you a shout out today on my blog! You've been wiggled! -- hope you'll check it out and grab a wiggle button for yourself!!

    your newest follower
