Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Five ways to Discover New Blogs!

Once you find a blog you like it is easy to discover more blogs! Here are five ways to finding new bloggers.

Sponsors: The easiest way to find a blog is to check out the sponsors on a blog. This is a great way to discover new blogs easily. Sponsoring is also a great way to get your blog out there.

Followers: A good way to discover new blogs is to look through the followers of a blog. If the blog has a box on the side that shows their followers then you can go through that to discover new blogs.

Comments: I often like to find blogs by looking through who commented on certain posts. This usually gets you to bloggers who blog a lot and are interested in who follows them, especially if they are commenting regularly on blogs.

Search: Do an online search with a key word you are looking for followed by blog. Here is an example "sewing blog". This is obviously a more specific way to search, but you find blogs that blog about things you are interested in.

Your Followers: Obviously check out the blogs that follow you! It is fun to follow each others blogs because then you make friends!

Following blogs is a great thing because you get to learn new things get inspiration and meet new people! Often, if you follow a blog that person ends up following you which is great for both of you! I think it is important to follow blogs with minimum followers and now always the "big wigs" of the blogging world. Us little guys need to help each other out!

Well I am off to make a Blythe dress. Or try at least!
Have a lovely day.
xo ldc


  1. This is great! I almost always check out someones blog when they comment or follow mine! Its a great way to find new blogs.

    xo, Katie

  2. This is a great list! I've always wondered how to find more & more! I eventually go to sponsors, then their sponsors....its endless!

    Recently I've started on stumble upon clicking a main heading "crafts" & only stumbling craft blogs. I've found a bunch of projects & blogs :)

    Happy New Year!

  3. Fantastic recommendations! I love looking through the blogs my subscribers have :)
