Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Poll Breakdown: Here's What People Want to See on Blogs!

Hello! The votes are in for the poll that has been on the side of my blog for the past two weeks. I asked you all what you were looking for when you came to LDC designs. Here is what you said:

27 of you are looking for crafts! That's awesome, because I love crafts! Friday is craft day here so hopefully I will get some good stuff for you!

25 of you are looking for DIY's. The newest DIY's added are How to Make a Bracelet out of a Scrap Tee Shirt and DIY cupcakes! Check out the DIY link at the top!

19 of you want daily life stuff. This kind of surprised me. I am always trying not to do as much daily life stuff because I thought it might be boring in a way. I am always trying to lean more towards crafts and DIYs and things like that.

11 of you are looking for photography. This is great! I love photography. I am just wondering though, do you want pictures that I take? Or pictures that I find online? Or both?

Only 8 of you are looking for Giveaways. This is surprising because I love winning free handmoade stuff! What could be better?

7 of you are looking for HTML. I have done a couple of html posts that seem to have gone great. You can check them out in the DIY section if you like! I will try and do a couple more sometime!

7 of you want info to help your blogging. I am thinking of a blogger tips post. Do you guys have any good tips for blogging?

6 of you are looking for guest posts. I enjoy it when people do guest posts. What do you think about guest posts? Do you like them, or would rather always hear from me?

Thanks for all of the great help! I appreciate your feedback so much! Let me know if you have any suggestions in general or to answer the questions in bold!

Have a lovely day!
xo ldc


  1. Actually, I just look at your blog to see what you are up too...
    Smooches, Love Mom

  2. Me too! Me too!
    Love youuu Linds!

  3. To be honest, I like all your topics...

    but here are my answers to the questions that you asked:

    Photography: I'd like to see both, your own photography and photos that you find online!

    Blogging tips: I have mixed feelings about blogging tips. On one hand, it seems a good idea, on the other hand it sounds like there is a "right" and "wrong" way to blog and I don't think that this is true. Everybody's blog is unique.
    Tips that might help are in regards to layout (I have some pet peeves ;)) and content.

    Guest posts: are ok, occasionally. Most of the time, I'd like to hear from YOU, because this is your blog!jj
